
今日、hoogleにてcurryを調べようとすると、なんか見知らぬやつが、The Functional Logic Language Curryなんて勧めてきた。


haskell wikiの説明を見ると、オフラインで使うと、haskellの開発ツールになるらしい。いかに、wikiから機能を転載

    *  Haskell evaluation (with persistent declarations)
    * Hoogle interface
    * Pointfree refactoring
    * A theorem prover, Djinn.
    * Two free theorems generators
    * A testing rig using QuickCheck
    * Another test rig using SmallCheck
    * A lambda calculus interpreter
    * A unlambda interpreter
    * A bf interpreter
    * Haskell type and kind checking
    * Dynamic plugin composition
    * Haskell library source lookup
    * Language translation
    * Quotes
    * Todo lists
    * Irc functions
    * Darcs patch tracking
    * A vixen/eliza personality
    * Random dice
    * Project database
    * Dictionary lookups
    * Karma tracking
    * User poll and election support
    * Search google, wikipedia and more
    * Spell checking
    * Tiny url generation
    * Much more... 




Configuring lambdabot-4.0...
configure: /opt/local/bin/ghc-pkg
configure: Dependency base-any: using base-2.0
configure: Dependency unix-any: using unix-1.0
configure: Dependency network-any: using network-2.0
configure: Dependency parsec-any: using parsec-2.0
configure: Dependency mtl-any: using mtl-1.0
configure: Dependency haskell-src-any: using haskell-src-1.0
configure: Dependency readline-any: using readline-1.0
configure: Dependency QuickCheck-any: using QuickCheck-1.0
Setup.hs: cannot satisfy dependency arrows-any
